A gravel road surrounded by sunflower fields in the Tuscan countryside Stories

Castiglion Fiorentino Montecchio Ar

The Stradone di Montecchio, near Castiglion Fiorentino, is an unspoiled place. Walking or biking on the trail takes you back to a bygone era when this area was the center of rural life.

The 4-kilometer-long path is a gravel road that allows people to move around in a unique setting: here is the farmhouse where Vanessa Incontrada lived in the TV series "Fosca Innocenti"! When you saw her riding a horse, she was in Castiglion Fiorentino, on the Stradone di Montecchio!

The Fattoria di Montecchio is located here. It was acquired by the Medici family in 1532. However, the area underwent an innovative project to enhance its hydraulic system thanks to Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Lorraine (18th century).

The striking and characteristic road perfectly illustrates how grand ducal farms were organized between 1700 and 1800. 

The Leopolidine construction along the road is a heritage that must be protected as historical and cultural assets.

Are you intrigued? If you decide to come to Castiglion Fiorentino for a vacation or a weekend getaway, put the Stradone di Montecchio on your schedule. You won’t regret it!

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